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Currency conversion

Currency Objects

class Currency()


Currency class for performing currency conversion. Uses Yahoo, falling back on for current rates and Yahoo falling back on IMF for historic rates. Note that rate calls are cached.


def setup(cls,
          retriever: Optional[Retrieve] = None,
          primary_rates_url: str = _primary_rates_url,
          secondary_rates_url: str = _secondary_rates_url,
          secondary_historic_url: str = _secondary_historic_url,
          fallback_historic_to_current: bool = False,
          fallback_current_to_static: bool = False,
          no_historic: bool = False,
          fixed_now: Optional[datetime] = None,
          log_level: int = logging.DEBUG,
          current_rates_cache: Dict = {"USD": 1},
          historic_rates_cache: Dict = {}) -> None


Setup the sources. If you wish to use a static fallback file by setting fallback_current_to_static to True, it needs to be named "secondary_rates.json" and put in the fallback_dir of the passed in Retriever.


  • retriever Optional[Retrieve] - Retrieve object to use for downloading. Defaults to None (generate a new one).
  • primary_rates_url str - Primary rates url to use. Defaults to Yahoo API.
  • secondary_rates_url str - Current rates url to use. Defaults to currency-api.
  • secondary_historic_url str - Historic rates url to use. Defaults to IMF (via IATI).
  • fallback_historic_to_current bool - If historic unavailable, fallback to current. Defaults to False.
  • fallback_current_to_static bool - Use static file as final fallback. Defaults to False.
  • no_historic bool - Do not set up historic rates. Defaults to False.
  • fixed_now Optional[datetime] - Use a fixed datetime for now. Defaults to None (use
  • log_level int - Level at which to log messages. Defaults to logging.DEBUG.
  • current_rates_cache Dict - Pre-populate current rates cache with given values. Defaults to {"USD": 1}.
  • historic_rates_cache Dict - Pre-populate historic rates cache with given values. Defaults to {}.




def get_current_rate(cls, currency: str) -> float


Get the current fx rate for currency


  • currency str - Currency


  • float - fx rate


def get_current_value_in_usd(cls, value: Union[int, float],
                             currency: str) -> float


Get the current USD value of the value in local currency


  • value Union[int, float] - Value in local currency
  • currency str - Currency


  • float - Value in USD


def get_current_value_in_currency(cls, usdvalue: Union[int, float],
                                  currency: str) -> float


Get the current value in local currency of the value in USD


  • usdvalue Union[int, float] - Value in USD
  • currency str - Currency


  • float - Value in local currency


def get_historic_rate(cls,
                      currency: str,
                      date: datetime,
                      ignore_timeinfo: bool = True) -> float


Get the fx rate for currency on a particular date. Any time and time zone information will be ignored by default (meaning that the time is set to 00:00:00 and the time zone set to UTC). To have the time and time zone accounted for, set ignore_timeinfo to False. This may affect which day's closing value is used.


  • currency str - Currency
  • date datetime - Date to use for fx conversion
  • ignore_timeinfo bool - Ignore time and time zone of date. Defaults to True.


  • float - fx rate


def get_historic_value_in_usd(cls,
                              value: Union[int, float],
                              currency: str,
                              date: datetime,
                              ignore_timeinfo: bool = True) -> float


Get the USD value of the value in local currency on a particular date. Any time and time zone information will be ignored by default (meaning that the time is set to 00:00:00 and the time zone set to UTC). To have the time and time zone accounted for, set ignore_timeinfo to False. This may affect which day's closing value is used.


  • value Union[int, float] - Value in local currency
  • currency str - Currency
  • date datetime - Date to use for fx conversion
  • ignore_timeinfo bool - Ignore time and time zone of date. Defaults to True.


  • float - Value in USD


def get_historic_value_in_currency(cls,
                                   usdvalue: Union[int, float],
                                   currency: str,
                                   date: datetime,
                                   ignore_timeinfo: bool = True) -> float


Get the current value in local currency of the value in USD on a particular date. Any time and time zone information will be ignored by default (meaning that the time is set to 00:00:00 and the time zone set to UTC). To have the time and time zone accounted for, set ignore_timeinfo to False. This may affect which day's closing value is used.


  • value Union[int, float] - Value in USD
  • currency str - Currency
  • date datetime - Date to use for fx conversion
  • ignore_timeinfo bool - Ignore time and time zone of date. Defaults to True.


  • float - Value in local currency